Updates from DIN

A small update from a tech perspective.
Research applications
In other news, DIN has applied for two research applications with two different universities. NTNU and Vestlandsforsk. They are yet to be approved because of some COVID-19 delays, but we cross our fingers.
The application with Vestlandsforsk will primarily focus on the EU blockchain node initiative, where Digitaliseringsdirektoratet already is highly involved. DIN will work as a facilitator and a communicator for broadening knowledge around this technology. The outcome for DIN is to share and build knowledge in the community, and we will be looking towards hiring a part-time employee to lead this project. The project has a timespan over 2 years.
The application with NTNU is called D3. It is a more heavy technology-hitting application. It will address interoperability, Open Source development, and architectural solutions in the SSI space. The consortium consists of major companies in Norway that are working at the core of identity infrastructure. Again, DIN will be working as a facilitator of expertise resources, and partake in the core development of the development process going forward. The project spans over 4 years.
Again, they are still to be accepted
Technology discussion group
Internationally things are moving forward with lightning speed. https://identity.foundation/ and its members are producing many important standards and reference implementations, see an overview here. As we has said, DIN will not necessarily make standards, but we are making sure the knowledge is shared and the important discussions inside the Nordics happen in a good fora. DIN have now started pure technology discussions for this purpose and you can follow along on this agenda. They just had their meeting which was also recorded, all information can be found in the mentioned agenda