eID rammeverk, artikler DIN har skrevet og eIDAS 2.0

Hi ! 👋
It feels great to be able to share all this great news with you! But we want to highlight our new upcoming event format. Look for the upcoming podcast title below and post an answer to that form please!
Enjoy the news!
Norwegian government just released an initial plan for eID
The Norwegian government recently had a hearing about their propose eID plan for what Norway is going to do. And how their plan is going to be executed. Find the details here
This was not catched by DIN so we did not have the opportunity to write a reply, but if you know if there is any way in for us to deliver a response let us know.
We feel that there is a lot of good thoughts in that document, and they also bring in the wallet aspects we have talked about before. We would love to see more action stated and focus on making this a bottom up approach, rather than top down.
This has been the focus for Norstella recently, and if you know of any recording or summary, let us know so we can share from all the good efforts.
eIDAS 2.0 is setting lots of the future foundation
eIDAS 2.0 is mentioned in the hearing from the Norwegian government. But it has its own importance because it affects all of Europe. And all the countries of Europe are differently rigged which means this affect will have different consequences depending on the country. But we need to keep having discussions about this framework, which expects real live pilots to happen within 2023. This will only work with collaboration!
Listen to more thoughts about eIDAS 2.0 from Avast. They bought Evernym, a proponent SSI company not too long ago. So they have jumped onboard the future of digital identity train!
Highlighting two articles DIN has written
There have been episodes the last couple of months that showcases the importance of proper digital identity and data exchange infrastructure. Because when we make digital solutions for something as important as drivers license or passport, they have to be done well.
Here is an article we wrote about a drivers license attempt in New South Wales of Australia, and its complications.
We also recently wrote an article highlighting a different view on the pass crisis we experienced this summer. How a new infrastructure could have helped and how we can protect the users in a digital point of view.
Upcoming podcast 🗓
We want to talk about digital identity with you!
If you are interessted in a 30 minutes conversation with us reach out to us on our social media platforms in the bottom, or send us reply on this form
Companies hiring 📰 🤝
- Spruce ID is hiring
- Block TBD is hiring
- Want to have your positions posted here for the next couple of newsletters, reach out too us
DIN call to action 🚀 🚨
- DIN is looking for more volunteers to join the journey towards a better digital identity: https://www.din.foundation/bidra
- ✍️✍️ Want to join DIN as a member and support the message, you can read about it here
DIN´s hero members
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