DIN talks use cases, come join us stake out the future

DIN talks use cases, come join us stake out the future


usecases produced: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lij4jGo=/

Presentation with all links used: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/100AsdyK9_Gf_1ibXB9xPIRyAtGOuokNM9hn80Lad5yg/


TLDR;(too long didnt read). We want to get together and talk concrete use cases for self sovereign identity, and brainstorm with the community. There will be a brainstorming session setup for this meet, so just come and be inspired by the information below!

Background information and prereads

We are very much inspired by SVIP and their work on digital identity: https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/svip
We have mentioned their work before: https://www.din.foundation/nyheter/progress-from-across-the-atlantic

And they have now recently had another demo week on the work happening, https://sri-csl.regfox.com/post-svip-demo-week, see blockchain section.

They did early on stake down a very clear user journey they wanted to work on: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MeeP7vDXb9CpSBfjTybYbo8qJfrrbrXCSJa0DklNe2k/edit#slide=id.gc34efaf35d_42_54

With this in mind we can relate this to the 7 life events that DigDir is working on, particurlarly the one about new in Norway: https://www.digdir.no/handlingsplanen/ny-i-norge-en-prioritert-livshendelse/2587